In a STAR TOPOLOGY network, each device on the network is attached to a central router. If the router fails, then the other devices will be unable to communicate, but if only one connected device fails, then all other devices will still be able to communicate.
In this type of topology all the computers are connected to a single router through a cable. This router is the central node and all others nodes are connected to the central node.
Rootkits are malicious software that allows an unauthorized user to access a computer and restricted areas of software. Rootkits are difficult to detect on your computer because it may be able to subvert there that is intended to find it. Rootkits are created by Black-hat hackers to attack your computer and steal.
Rootkit tools:
1. Keyloggers
2. antivirus disablers
3. password stealers
4. banking credential stealers
5. bots for DDoS attacks
The FIND function returns the position (as a number) of one text string inside another. If there is more than one occurrence of the search string, FIND returns the position of the first occurrence. FIND does not support wildcards, and is always case-sensitive.
//The Employee Class
public class Employee {
char name;
long ID;
//The constructor
public Employee(char name, long ID) { = name;
this.ID = ID;
//Method Get Person
public void getPerson (char newName, long newId){
this.ID = newName;
this.ID = newId;
//Method Print
public void print(){
System.out.println("The class attributes are: EmpName "+name+" EmpId "+ID);
The working of the class is shown below in another class EmployeeTest
public class EmployeeTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Employee employee1 = new Employee('a', 121);
Employee employee2 = new Employee('b', 122);
Employee employee3 = new Employee('c', 123);
In the EmployeeTest class, Three objects of the Employee class are created.
The method print() is then called on each instance of the class.
The latest PCIe ×16 primary slot top near to CPU should be the answer to this question.