data declaration means a variable which contain data value and it can be declared as integer, float, character, double, boolean (data types).
int r;
char name;
float g;
double k= 23.34;
A folder assigned to a single user can only be accessed by a single person, to get many users access a folder windows administrator shares a folder to a workgroup. using the simple steps below.
Login as the admin of the system, Right-click on the folder you want to give permission on, after clicking on properties, click on security, add user or group after clicking the edit. and your folder is shared to a group and all users in the group have access to it.
item = "quesadilla"
meat = "steak"
queso = False
guacamole = False
double_meat = False
base_price = 4.5
if item == "quesadilla":
base_price = 4.0
elif item == "burrito":
base_price = 5.0
if meat == "steak" or meat == "pork":
base_price += 0.50
if meat == "steak" and double_meat:
base_price += 1.50
elif meat == "pork" and double_meat:
base_price += 1.50
elif double_meat:
base_price += 1.0
if guacamole:
base_price += 1.0
if queso and item != "nachos":
base_price += 1.0
- Use a conditional statement to check if meat is steak or pork then add 0.50 to base_price
- Check if the meat is steak or pork, then double_meat adds 1.50 or 1.0 otherwise
Check if meat is steak and its double_meat
, then add 1.50 and if its for guacamole, then add 1.00 to base_price
. If queso is there and item is not nachos, add 1.00 to base_price
- Finally when item is nachos, no need to add any money to base_price
1. True
2. Usually true, but it depends on the search engine you're using. For example, Google lets you search for several words without commas.