Vulvodynia is the medical term used to describe a chronic condition of long-lasting, severe pain around the vaginal orifice, which feels raw. Medically, the severe pain lasts for at least three months either constantly or occasionally. The pain could be generalized throughout the entire vulva or localized to a certain area of the vagina like the opening of the vagina.
Vulvodynia is usually doesn't have an identifiable cause, because it usually not traced to an infection.
Eukaryotes are single cellular organisms so A D C
RNA and ribosomal proteins <span>are both made in the nucleus and move into the cytoplasm.</span>
Air sacs do not take part in the actual oxygen exchange, but do greatly enhance its efficiency and allow for the high metabolic rates found in birds. This system also keeps the volume of air in the lung nearly constant.
- Air sacs are found as tiny sacs off the larger breathing tubes (tracheae) of insects, as extensions of the lungs in birds, and as end organs in the lungs of certain other vertebrates. They serve to increase respiratory efficiency by providing a large surface area for gas exchange. See also pulmonary alveolus.