I think the answer is the first one.
We are looking for the answer that doesn't illustrate how WWII was a total war. Well, the third one is not the answer because it is right. WWII was a total war because of the fact that almost all resources from the nations involved were devoted to the war effort. The fourth one is not the answer because WWII was a global conflict that engulfed many countries. The second one is also not the answer because propaganda was used to increase support for the war and commitment to an Allied victory.
"Brown Bess" is a nickname of uncertain origin for the British Army's muzzle-loading smoothbore flintlock Land Pattern Musket and its derivatives. This musket was used in the era of the expansion of the British Empire and acquired symbolic importance at least as significant as its physical importance.
First, had the Confederacy won the Civil War, slavery would have undoubtedly continued in the South. As a result of the Emancipation Proclamation and the Union victory, slavery was abolished. ... A victory by the North did equate to the end of slavery. A victory by the South would have meant the opposite.
Answer: compassionate describes someone who cares about others who are suffering and feels sympathy for them:
A.Acculturation good luck