<span>One reason for the growth of medieval towns was the principal of "stadluft macht frei" or "town air makes you free" where the serf became a freeman if they stayed in a town or city for a year and a day. This contributed to the growth of medieval cities.</span>
Mais de 95% da população mundial não vive em uma democracia plena
In 1956, people in Hungary demanded that soviet troops to be removed as the part of a call for democratic reforms.
Back in 1956, a Hungarian Uprising took plac eexposing comunism in Eastern Europe. The Soviet Union had been affected of this but not severely. Inconsistencies in the government may have led to such protests. This gave way to economic and social reforms.
Due to more local control, the colonists felt like they had more of a control over their lives and government as opposed to only royalty having control.
U.S. President Abraham Lincoln