D. Talk about her observations, thoughts, feelings, and what she wants to happen next
In the given scenario, the best way Michelle can take action to communicate more effectively is by speaking her thoughts out, feelings, observations, and what she wants to happen next.
In the scenario, Michelle had an argument with her sister, and she asserts that her sister is causing too much trouble around the house. To communicate effectively, she needs to describe as to why she consider her sister as trouble causing person in the house. She needs to speak about her thoughts, feelings, obserrvations, etc. And what she feels her sister should do to stop being a trouble-maker in the house.
Therefore, option D is correct.
The evidence that best shows Squanto's loyalty to the settlers is that which shows that Squanto never abandoned the settlers and accompanied them to the day of his death.
This evidence is best presented by the sentence "... and never left them till he died."
This can be seen in the text above, as this text shows that:
- Squanto served the colonists willingly.
- He taught the settlers how to manage the crops.
- He served as a guide to the region for settlers.
- He did not view settlers with hostility.
- He accompanied them while he was alive.
As shown, this excerpt is part of "Of Plymouth Plantation" which is a diary of the first English settlers in America and the hardships they went through.
You can get more information about this at the link below:
<span>Wow ! "Missionary" is good.
I think "evangelist" works too.</span>
The correct way to list the source in your References list is:
Muntean, C. I. (2011). Raising engagement in e-learning through gamification. Paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2012, Babes-Bolyai University, Romania. Retrieved from h t t p : / / i c v l . e u / 2 0 1 1 / d i s c / i c v l / d o c u m e n t e / p d f / m e t / I C V L _ M o d e l s A n d M e t h o d o l o g i e s _ p a p e r 4 2 . p d f
To avoid plagiarism it is necessary to make a reference list to give the deserved credit to the original authors as well as the people who have referred to this original source before in case that we are not quoting the original paper directly, following the structure of the APA format the information will be presented as it is arranged in the answer.
They both enjoyed eating crackers and cheese