The advent of personal computing brought about by the implementation of several technologies including MOSFET, semiconductors, microchip and integrated circuits has revolutionized life in at a very high rate of change where traditional ways of doing things rapidly change and for the first time power was easily reachable by accessing a personal computer.
1. The computer personal computer brought about word processing, where there are very limited errors in individually printed documents and the time to produce a quality document was reduced
2. Email - With the advent of personal computers email, the information and communication time were lowered and it resulted in changes in commerce
3. Video conferencing - It was possible to have video conferencing with people and make decisions regarding direction can be made real time from very distant locations, which improved business reaction time
4. The mouse- The concept of having a graphic user interface improved computer interaction for people with limited programming skills.
To locate emails with large attachments, go to your email and then choose the option of Choose File > Cleanup Tools > Mailbox Cleanup.
Here , one has to Log into their email account and open their inbox and then use the Search Mail bar and type Size to locate or they Set the Find items that are larger than to 9999 and then one has to click Find.
<h3>How do I find emails by attachment size?</h3>
This can also be done for messages that has a size equal to or bigger than 25.
One has to open their message and then they have to right-click on the attachment. You can choose Save As and save to the location of the choice you want.
Learn more about attachments from
brainliest plsss
I think so this is what you had asked!!!!!!
hope it helps
I believe it is medical telemetry