The reason fractions need a common denominator before adding or subtracting is so that the numbers of pieces you are adding/subtracting are all the same size. Note that the numerator of a fraction just tells you how many pieces you have of that size.
Answer: d
Step-by-step explanation:

Step-by-step explanation:
Hope this helps!
4 : 28 is the same as 4/28
4/28 = 1/7
The answer is C
The only true statement is A:
"The data show a negative linear relationship."
Which statement is true?</h3>
On the graph, we can see how the car's vale decreases almost linearly with the age of the car.
Where the response variable would be the one on the y-axis, which is the car's value.
For that linear behavior, we know that there is a correlation coefficient different than zero. So options B, C, and D are false.
Finally, we already saw the linear behavior (decreasing, so the slope is negative). Then we conclude that the only true statement is A.
If you want to learn more about data sets: