Gender identity is defined as one's own personal experience with their gender. A person's gender identity does not have to correlate with their assigned sex at birth. Caitlin Jenner's quote above agrees with the fact that gender identity does not have to correlate with one's sex organs.
The purpose of education in Sparta was to produce and maintain a powerful army. Sparta boys entered military school when they were about six years old. They learned how to read and write, but those skills were not considered very important except for messages. Military school was tough, on purpose.
I believe there are only 3 members.
I believe the answer is maximizes
By changing the orientation of the document
While the initial format was done in a landscape format, their teacher's demand is to change it to a portrait format.
What to do?
1 Go to task bar on the menu bar
2. Locate page layout
3. Select customization of page
4. Insert the various dimensions by the teacher
5. Strike your enter key and you are done.