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The Van der Waal’s forces are the forces, which are formed by the attraction of two opposite charged bodies. This charge exists due to the formation of the dipoles in the molecules or atom. The dipoles formed due to the movement of the electron in the atoms. The strength of the dipole or Van der Waal attraction depends on the size of the atoms or the molecule. As the size increases, the strength of the Van der Waal force increases. The positive and the negative regions are shown in the attached picture.
It is constantly being produced inside the Earth.
Hot water from hot springs or reservoirs is used in heating systems.
It can be used to generate electricity.
The United States is the world leader in generating power from geothermal energy.
cells : cells are buliding blocks of life .Every living organism is made up of cells
organs : They are a structure made up different tissues working for a specific function.
organism : Any being that respires grows, excretes , moves , reproduce , adapt , needs nuitrition and is sensitive to changes
multicellular: an organism that is made up of more than one cell
unicellular : an organism that is made uo of only one cell
nueron : a nerve cell
impulse : they are just like electrical impulses
sensory nuerons : also known as receptor nuerons .They transmit impulses to central nervous system.
motor nuerons: also knownas motor nueron. They transmit impulses from nervous system to the effectors
hormones : they are chemical substances produced by endocrine glands transported by blood ,alter the activity of one or more targeted organs in the body .
reflex: it is the immediate response to a specific stimulas without conscious control