<h2>They are aquatic — found in moist or wet places.</h2>
<h2>They are autotrophic, and the reserve food is generally Starch.</h2>
<h2>They consist of a cellulose cellwall around their cells.</h2>
<h2>Mechanical and conducting elements are absent in thallophyta.</h2>
<h2>Plant body is thallus, not differentiated into root, stem and leaves</h2>
hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and nitrogen
I did 4 instead :')
The Simplest of Eukaryotic Cells. Microsporidia are intracellular parasites that infect most other eukaryotic cells, although arthropods are the most commonly parasitized. They are the simplest and smallest eukaryotic cells and thus represent a textbook example of reductive evolution [1].
Link: https://designmatrix.wordpress.com/2009/03/10/the-simplest-of-eukaryotic-cells/
Tar and other ingredients found in smoke act as carcinogens which can cause an uncontrolled growth of cells