Unfunded mandates that was an easy answer you just have to read and watch the videos if this is for e2020 kids. I m glad I helped you if you need anything else answered just look my up on fb Shania saenz and I m in the MCA Moter Club Of America you can turn 40 dollars in to 2000 dollars in a week its not scam because it comes with wonderful benefits that will change your life!! If you would like to know what those benefits are just go to the MCA Moter Club Of America Benefits. If you would like to sign up here is my Link Tvcmatrix.com/ssaenz7
Herbert Hoover, who in World War I served as head of the U.S. Food Administration and became know for his humanitarian efforts in Belgium during the war.
C. pretty sure
a police officer needs a search warrant to search a house
D The woman who is prevented from an abortion, it's ultimately her choice.
People would trade the Roman coins even if they didn't want the Roman goods
Most of the other countries didn't understand the purpose of the coins value
Romans used the coins to represent loans when they couldn't afford to get goods