Salting is the preservation of food with dry edible salt. It is related to pickling in general and more specifically to brining also known as fermenting (preparing food with brine, that is, salty water) and is one form of curing.
Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
File names should describe the content of the file.
File names are set of words which are used to uniquely identify computer files which are stored in a file system. This helps one to know the contents of the file which you want to find. When you name these file names you use necessary characters you use descriptive words so that you dont have hard times when searching for them. The naming also is determined by the file system you are using because different systems impose different restrictions on the length of the file names and the allowed characters within file names.
Answer: (B) Legal hold
As being a security director, the security director are approached to solidify a server that run the red hat enterprise server the 5.5.
The servers are being utilized as DNS (Dynamic host service) and the server time. This is not utilized as the database, print server and the web server. There is no particular remote associations with the server.
The window of the command will be given the root accessing. Then, it provide the associated by means of a protected shell with the access root in the system.