The famous saying is garbage in , garbage out .
World Wide Web (WWW)
Popularly referred to as the Web is an information system that comprises of many interconnected web resources and documents. These documents and web resources possess a certain URL (Uniform Resources Locators) such as which makes them accessible over the internet.
The <em>HTTP or Hypertext Transfer Protocol</em> is a channel for transferring the resources of the World wide web among users.
In 1989, the World Wide Web was invented by Tim Berners-Lee. He developed the first web browser in 1990.
The World Wide Web has played a fundamental role in the advancement of the information age as it is greatly used by different people around the world to communicate efficiently.
Configure A SNMP Group containing the SNMP managers.
Configure A SNMP Group containing the SNMP managers.
the answer should be A that's the best