Your sense of taste could indicate that there is something wrong with your car or your health. Tate, gastatory perception, or gustation is one of the five traditional senses that belongs to the gustatory system. Taste is the sensation produced when a substance in the mouth reacts chemically with taste receptor cells located on taste buds in the oral cavity, mostly on the tongue.
option B
there are 22 pair of autosome and 2 pair of sex chromosome
If mutation is associated with the centromere region, the direct impact would be on the segregating mechanism during cell division process.
1. Enzyme interacts with substrate
2. Enzyme may undergo a conformational change to capture the substrate ("induced fit" model)
3. Enzyme-substrate complex may undergo several changes to form the product(s).
4. The product(s) are released
5. The enzyme returns to its original form. It is then ready to do the cycle all over again.