DNA is located in the nucleus, but can also be found in other cell structures called mitochondria. Since the nucleus is so small, the DNA needs to be tightly packaged into bundles known as chromosomes.
A resistor is a electrical component that implements electrical resistance as a circuit element. They are used to reduce circuit flows, adjust circuit level and divide voltages.
There are many forms of VIF and each forms are made for different purposes. basically, you just extract a female egg and a sample of the male sperm, bad sperm can be separated via by adding specific chemicals. The sperm will then be transferred into the egg and the egg is transferred into the women. (This is ICSI) There are other forms under the category of IVF but this is one of the example. (ICSI only deals with male infertility)
El sistema inmune es una red compleja de células y proteínas que defiende al cuerpo contra las infecciones. El sistema inmune mantiene un registro de todos los gérmenes (microbios) que ha derrotado para poder reconocer y destruir el microbio rápidamente si ingresa nuevamente al cuerpo.
The adrenal gland is the gland that produces hormones that cause you to feel frightened during a horror movie. The hormones you feel is called adrenaline.