Mutations are permanent alterations in the nucleotide sequence of genetic material that are transmitted from one cell to another. On the basis of inheritance, mutations are somatic or inherited.
Inherited or genetic mutations are those mutations that occur in germ cells. These cells are inherited by the offspring from their parents as they are present in gametes. All cells of a multicellular organisms are made up of a single cell zygote. Thus, genetic mutations are present in each cell of the individual as they are present in zygote.
On the other hand, somatic mutations include those mutation that take place in somatic cells. These mutations are non-heritable as somatic cells do not play role in reproduction. Somatic mutations are acquired by individuals in their lifetime due to errors during DNA replication and are passed to their daughter cells.
Mutations are sudden spontaneous random changes that occur on the genetic make up of organisms. They might be somatic mutations are genetic alteration by a cell and can be passed to its progeny of the mutated cell during cell division normally by somatic cells, or germ line mutation are inherited genetic alterations that occur in the germ cells ( sperms and ovum)
There are only 6 days during any cycle when a women can get pregnant. the 5 days leading up to ovulation and a complete day after . This is because sperm can live up to 5 days in a women's body . So when she is ovulating it is most likely.
In the emotional, facial, memory, motor, social, spatial,
and verbal domains cerebral cortex abstracting thinking and decision making part
of the brain we can see frontal lobes of the cortex - higher order thinking and
good judgment impairment here; get them drunk and observe their social