Let's compare apples to apples and oranges to oranges: convert each given proper fraction into its decimal counterpart:
3 63/80 => 3 .788 approx.
3 1/5 => 3.2
3 11/20 => 3.55
It's now an easy matter to arrange these numbers from least to greatest:
3.2, 3.55, 3.79, or
3 1/5, 3 11/20, 3 63/80
It's the third one and the last one are the only ones that make immediate sense.
24 or 29 more numbers
Step-by-step explanation:
Assuming that the fee is purely based on duration, the equation would look like this:
c= a*p
where c= cost, a= rates per hour, p= hours of parking
Alexandra pays 7$ for 3 hours parking. So, a would be:
c= a*p
7$= a * 3 hr
a= 7$/3hr
Then the final equation would be:
c= (7/3) *p
No your supposed to do the math and cancel out each nunber until you find y