A questionnaire item, distributed to a random sample of adults, reading "Are you not in support of nationalized health care", with a yes or no possible response, would violate the concept of "Avoid negative items."
Option d
While doing a research study the researcher has to formulate the questionnaire according to the field of research. In this type of questionnaire based data research, one has to give at most importance to the target audience whom the research is meant for.
To get better data from target group on has to develop a questionnaire which avoids the negative items because the target group should not be confused while giving their opinion.
So, before preparing a questionnaire one has to clearly study and understand the nature of group and their attitude towards the particular segment of research to avoid negative items.
the people are build there self and work progress and the develop the country after the civil War
the 1st civil war was 1965 that time our prime minister was Mr. Attal bihari Vajpayee
As part of being readmitted to the Union, states had to ratify the new amendments to the Constitution.
It impacts our personality
I dont get it what do you want us to answer