Jack thinks that he is some tough high and might being but really he is just being sensless and putting himself in danger. He is trying to look like a better leader than Ralph by seeming braver even though that has nothing to do with why Ralph doesn't think they should go, and smarter, even though he isn't.
That multiplication is quite easy to perform,
either with a pencil or with a calculator.
Step-#1): Find the magnitude of the product.
Multiply 3.25 by 1.56. Get 5.07 .
Step-#2): Find the sign of the product.
Say to yourself: "Self ! Both factors have the same sign,
so the product is positive."
Step-#3): Observation:
"I should have put this question in the
'Mathematics' category, not 'English', "
Even if its not a christian thing to do. The bible does state that we should help the ones in need.
I don't see any text to read with your question
The sentence that most reflects Frankenstein's creature's feelings regarding the reaction of people around him is the following: "The monster asks Frankenstein to create a companion creature for him, so he won’t feel so lonely in the world." By the time the crature requests that a companion be created for him, he has experienced rejection by the family in the cottage, to whom he had been kind, as well as that of his own creator; he knows that only another creature like himself will be capable of accepting him.