If you have money to spend after paying taxes and all expenses, you have spending power according to the amount of money you have left over. A tourist with spending power has money to spend after all travel expenses are paid or accounted for.
Hopes this helps!!!
India's geography is sort of tropical. In some regions green trees and grass stretch as far as the eye can see. India has high mountains, vast deserts, coasts, plains, forests, and more. India even has its own islands. In Cuba the geography is far less enticing, filled with rolling plains and rugged hills it is hardly as vast and exotic as India. Cuba has a few mountains but is mainly a stale island.
One of the aspects of life that Jim Crow laws regulated was the fact that they forbade the "promotion of equality."
In this context, such promotion referred to the printing, publishing, or claiming that social equality was a desirable goal, or that intermarriage should be allowed. This was punished as a misdemeanor and required the payment of a hefty fine.
somethings pretty neat in the sky