As the name suggests, proteases will be the enzymes which will catalyze the reactions of proteolysis. Proteolysis can be described as the process of breaking proteins into amino acids and simple peptide bonds.
DNases will catalyze the reactions for breaking down or degrading DNA. The DNase does this by breaking the phosphodiester bonds present in the backbone of the DNA.
RNases will be the enzymes which will catalyze the breaking of RNA molecules.
63 in water 100/g KNO3 Potassium nitrate
The microorganism creates its own energy.
Based on the pattern of nutrition, a living organism can either be autotrophic or heterotrophic. Autotrophic organisms are those organisms capable of synthesizing its own food or energy source using light (photosynthesis) or chemicals (chemosynthesis). Heterotrophs, on the other hand, cannot synthesize their own food, hence, they depend on other organisms for energy.
According to this question, a researcher claims that a newly discovered microorganism is an autotroph. For this claim to be true, this means that the microorganism must be capable of CREATING ITS OWN FOOD/ENERGY either by photosynthesis (light) or chemosynthesis (inorganic chemicals).