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Members of Congress) Sorry have to type more it will not let me post ok this should do it, have a great rest of your day.
<span>Robinson projection will be used to examine and compare population densities, using one view of the entire world. This projection depicts the entire world in one view like a flat globe and the latitudes and longitudes as elliptical lines giving a easy way to examine that too accurately.</span>
This is the best explanation for why there is such a small amount of phosphorus that moves into aquatic systems:
1. Phosphorus is highly stable in the atmosphere and remains there for long periods of time.
The phosphorus first cycle is the process by which the phosphate ion passes in very small amounts through the lithosphere from volcanic aeorosols, then to the hydrosphere, where it stays from 20,000 to 100,000 years in the ocean, and finally to biospherere, where rain and erosion helps washing the phosphorus from the rocks into the soil. So, raining is the beginning of the phosphorus´s second cycle, so it is also, the slowest one of the matter cycles that is why the natural total background phosphate levels in several bodies of freshwater range from 0.005 to 0.05 mg/L. Phosphorus remains mostly on land and in rock and soil minerals.
Although abundant on our planet´s sedimentary rock crust and in human body, phosphorus to commercialize is only found in minerals therefore, phosphates mining activity and calcium heating is the only way to get it in its pure elemental form. It is an essential nutrient for plants and animals and a big percentage of the mined phosphorus is used to make fertilizers.
Shinzo Abe: Japan
Chiang Kai-shek: China
Kim Jong Un: North Korea
Park Geun-hye: South Korea
Mao Zedong: Taiwan