Ben most likely has acrophobia.
Acrophobia is a word of greek origin. Derives from <em>Acros</em>, which means "summit", and <em>phobos</em>, which means fear.
Acrophobia is thus, the fear of heights. These can be a serious medical issue in certain situations, as for example, in the scenario described in the question in which acrophobia is affecting Ben so much that he quit his job.
Answer: The correct is option A A red herring
Step by step explanation:
The writer is somehow trying to misleads or distracts readers from a relevant or important question. In this context, It may either be a logical fallacy or a literary device that leads readers or audiences toward a false conclusion. It is therefore red herring.
Red herring is a kind of fallacy that is an irrelevant topic introduced in an argument to divert the attention of listeners or readers from the original issue. In literature, this fallacy is often used in detective or suspense novels to mislead readers or characters, or to induce them to make false conclusions.
The country with lowest legal working age is Bolivia.
A country, sometimes known as a state, a nation, or another type of political entity, is a unique area of the world. It could be a separate state or a piece of a bigger state.
The word "country" has a broad meaning and is used in a variety of ways. Any attempt to define a country clearly quickly turns into a labyrinth of exceptions and oddities, according to The Economist from 2010. A nation can be a non-sovereign or former sovereign political division (like Korea), a physical territory governed by a government (like Senegal), or a geographical area with particular unique political, ethnic, or cultural traits (such as the Basque Country).
To know more about Country here
The answer is the first: Similar fossil records provided evidence for a supercontinent.
Two fossils in particular served as good evidence for the idea that the continents once joined, but have since been separated: glossopteris and mesosaurus. glossopteris is a seed plant that appeared suddenly during the Permian period and spread rapidly throughout Gondwana, the landmass that later became South America, Australia, Africa, and Antarctica. Glossopteris experienced a relatively rapid extinction at the end of the Triassic period. The wide distribution of glossopteris on different continents at the same point in the fossil record supported the idea that these now separate continents were once joined. Mesosaurus fossils, a marine reptile older than dinosaurs, are also found in South America and South Africa, and provide additional evidence for earlier land connections.
I hope I have helped, you can put that is the most intelligent answer please.
That would be a biographer