public class Controlador: MonoBehavior
// we declare velocity variable, we can change the value to get more speed
public float velocidad = 3f;
void Start()
void Update()
// with this condition we select the key for the movement.
// for example the left arrow or the letter "a"
if (Input . GetKey(KeyCode . LeftArrow) |I Input . GetKey("a"))
transform . position += Vector3 . left * velocidad * Time . deltaTime;
if (Input . GetKey(KeyCode . RightArrow) |I Input . GetKey("d"))
transform . position += Vector3 . right * velocidad * Time . deltaTime;
if (Input . GetKey(KeyCode . UpArrow) |I Input . GetKey("w"))
transform . position += Vector3 . up * velocidad * Time . deltaTime;
if (Input . GetKey(KeyCode . DownArrow) |I Input . GetKey("s"))
transform . position += Vector3 . down * velocidad * Time . deltaTime;
Analytical processing uses multi-levelaggregates, instead of record level access.
Online or Web Proxy
Web or online proxy allows you to hide your Internet Protocol (IP) address from the website you are trying to visit or access. It is like a shield between the website you are accessing and you. They can be seen as a middleman between you and the site you are visiting and as such, the site sees that a specific IP address is accessing its server but the address is not yours as all requests between your computer and the web server are first passed through the proxy server.
<em>Hope this helps!</em>
Two or more languages are used for making one particular software.