It is characteristic of CAPITAL goods that they are not used up in the short run. A society can choose to SACRIFICE some quality of life now BY PURCHASING fewer consumer goods ANS SAVING MONEY in order to build up its stock of capital goods. This will lead to a HIGHER QUALITY OF LIFE and more consumer goods PURCHASED AND CONSUMED later on.
A consumer can choose between saving and spending money, that is measured by the marginal propensity to consume or the marginal propensity to save. Money that is spent now, will provide a certain satisfaction in the present, but nothing in the future. Money saved will not provide a certain satisfaction in the present, but should provide much more satisfaction in the future since it should grow as time passes.
The format of the CV allows you to extensively share your history and accomplishments; the reviewer can learn a lot about you from this single document. Compared with a one- to two-page resume, a CV can be as long as you want. A CV is also a living document, which you should continually update. It should grow as your career grows. In fact, when you're a seasoned professional, your CV can extend into the double digits. In addition to your education and past positions, your CV should include a detailed list of what you've published, conferences you attended, classes you taught, presentations you gave, scholarships you received, your research interests and awards. You can also include your references on your CV. I hope I have answered your question
the net cash provided by operating activities is $168,600
Cash flow from operating activities
net income, $134,000
adjust for non-cash items
add depreciation expense, $40,000
less gain on sale of plant assets, $14,000
adjust for changes in working capital
decrease in accounts receivable $11,400
increase in merchandise inventory ($28,000)
increase in prepaid expenses ($8,200)
increase in accounts payable $5,400
net cash provided by operating activities $168,600