A strategy President Truman and his advisers considered to end World War II was to continue to fight the war the same way.
your -> you're. and I believe most proper sentences don't use emojis.
In my opinion, I agree. To me, racism only exists if you allow it. In many ways, in today’s America, black people actually have more privilege than whites. If two people are equally qualified for a job, the black person will usually get it. Prestigious universities and big companies grasp over each other to sign up talented black people. People of color have many opportunities than they did in the past, and if you work hard enough, you will have access to opportunities.
The Hebrews were one of the first to believe in monotheism, the belief in only one god. They were only allowed to worship God and nothing else.
Hope this helps!
Some ways the USA Freedom Act is meant to strengthen national security are: allows the government to track suspected foreign terrorists for 72 hours after they enter the United States. increases required maximum penalties for anyone providing support to specific foreign terrorist organizations.
Hope this helps!