Image result for Describe the purpose of the contact between Europeans and the Mughal court.
Contact between Western Europe and the Mughal empire was put into practice in the very beginning of the 17th century. The Portuguese, English, and later on, the Dutch were the ones to trade with the Mughal empire.
Generally speaking, "assembly line jobs" did not represent an obstacle during this time, since this in fact increased productivity through the "specialization of labor".
It would be "NAFTA", which stands for the "North American Free Trade Agreement" that is a treaty to eliminate all trade barriers between Canada, Mexico, and the United States, since each state believes this to be in thier best economic interest.
heres my opinion
My personal opinion on the Hammurabi code is that it is unjust. Why I think that is because Hammurabi said his code was meant to protect the weak, but in reality all of the laws were just harsh and unnecessary.