Could you please put this into a format that is English. Thank You.
Mens rea is considered a key component in many types of crimes for it is possible to be guilty of a crime because you knew it was immoral before you committed the act.
In all modern legal systems, there is a view that for the existence of criminal responsibility of a particular person, ie the possibility of punishing him, the unlawfulness of his behavior, ie wrongdoing, is not sufficient. In addition, there must be a certain psychological or mental element, the so-called mens rea, the culpability or mental element, which forms the guilt of such a person, that is the moral depravity or wrongful conduct of the same.
The King of France tried to crush the revolution with violence.
This triggered what would become known as the Terror, or Reign of Terror
I tried my best because testimonials are pretty vague :')
They're very good with math many mathematical equations that we use today is thanks to them. They also have excellent building skills that today their buildings are still up and survived many earthquakes.
i hope this helps! :)
I will campaign against my candidates to bring constitution to the economy and delegate.