I believe the correct answer would be kimberlite. Diamonds are usually found in pipes 50 to 200 m across made of kimberlite. It is an igneous rock that is known to contain traces of diamonds. It is named base on the town where it was discovered which is Kimberley, South Africa.
1408.685 KN/C
R = 0.45 m
σ = 175 μC/m²
P is located a distance a = 0.75 m
k = 8.99*10^9
- The Electric Field Strength E of a uniformly solid disk of charge at distance a perpendicular to disk is given by:

part a)
Electric Field strength at point P: a = 0.75 m

part b)
Since, R >> a, we can approximate a / R = 0 ,
Hence, E simplified relation becomes:

E = σ / 2*e_o
part c)
Since, a >> R, we can approximate. that the uniform disc of charge becomes a single point charge:
Electric Field strength due to point charge is:
E = k*δ*pi*R^2 / a^2
Since, R << a, Surface area = δ*pi
E = (k*δ*pi/a^2)
To help make sure information goes from short-term memory to long-term memory, you can use memory-enhancing strategies. One strategy is rehearsal, or the conscious repetition of information to be remembered. Think about how you learned your multiplication tables as a child.
Proven ways to protect memory include following a healthy diet, exercising regularly, not smoking, and keeping blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar in check. Living a mentally active life is important, too. Just as muscles grow stronger with use, mental exercise helps keep mental skills and memory in tone.
According to one study, mental stimulation like reading can help protect memory and thinking skills, especially as you age. The authors even suggest that reading every day can slow down the late-life cognitive decline. ... The act of reading helps to heighten overall brain function and increase memory.
Let's take a deeper dive into evidence-based exercises that offer the best brain-boosting benefits.
Have fun with a jigsaw puzzle. ...
Try your hand at cards. ...
Build your vocabulary. ...
Dance your heart out. ...
Use all your senses. ...
Learn a new skill. ...
Teach a new skill to someone else. ...
Listen to or play music.