Voici la grande fille blonde.
When calling someone tall in French, you use "grand" or "grande." However, since "fille" is feminine, the correct word would be "grande."
First u take ure breakfast (petit -déjeuner ) at 8:00 and ure gomma eat some baguette Avec du beurre et de la confiture and ure gin à drink du café du thé ou du chocolat chaud. Then ure gonna eat ure lunch (déjeuner) at 13 or 13:30 u could eat before an entrée with some salad and ure gonna pass to the mane course where ure gonna eat a jambon fromage and ure gonna drink an orangina and have a macaron for the desert at 4:00 ure gonna have a goûter with some petits prince and un verre de lait at 18:30 ure gonna have an apéro with some friends and ure gonna eat des chips and un
verre de vin and finally at 19 or 19:30 ure gonna have dîner and ure gonna eat some escargots with un verre de vin, have some cheese: Camembert,Brie, Rochefort. and éclaire au chocolat for dessert .
Une I think is the right answer
ou sont les recettes- where are the recipes
A. C"est um mystere- It is a mystery
B. Avec le livreur - With the delivery man
C. Chez m Piquelidee- At m Piquelidee
D. sous une boite -under a box