There is a great difference between light and scanning electron microscope. The source of illumination is light rays in light microscope while in scanning electron microscope electrons are the source of illumination.
The resolving and magnification power of scanning electron microscope is much greater than that of a light microscope. The magnifying power of a light microscope is 1000X and of electron microscope is 10,00,000X.
In light microscope image is seen through the eyepiece while in scanning electron microscope it is seen on a fluorescent screen. Even small specimens up to 0.1 micrometers can be seen by scanning electron microscope which is not possible to see by light microscope.
Nucleus, Mitochondria, and Lysosomes are found in a cell. Plastid is the odd one.
Answer: The image to be studied is missing from the question,so I attached it to my answer,please click on the attachment provided to view the image being studied.
The correct answer to the question is option A.
The object shown in the image is known as a nebula.
Explanation: A nebula is found in interstellar space,it has a form of a giant cloud of dust. When some stars goes into dying process,they explode throwing out gas and dust which forms a nebula.(a supernova remnants nebulae).
Some nebulae(singular form of nebula) are also found where new stars are being formed.
Nebula are the basic building blocks of the universe,they are made up 90% hydrogen,10% helium and other heavier elements in trace amounts from which stars and other solar systems are made.
Nebula exist in 5 distinct types namely;
Emission nebulae, Reflection nebulae,Dark nebulae, Planetary Nebulae and supernova remnants Nebulae.
Polypeptide chains undergo some modifications before they become fully functional. Some of these modifications include: proteolytic cleavage, lipidation and glycosylation. Proteolytic cleavage refers to the removal of some amino acids from a polypeptide chain by proteases in order for the protein to become active. An example of a substance that is modified through this process is insulin.