Answer: I got this same question and I was looking for the answers and could not found it but this I what I put. Food nutrition labeling by the FDA is important because it gives customers the ability to view the ingredients listed and find what they are looking for. For example women need more calcium to prevent brittleness in bones.
B. Actions of Negligence
Answer: How many days away from work due to injury or illness did the healthcare and social assistance fields have in 2015? 158.4
Estimate the percentage of missed days due to illness in the healthcare sector. 15840%
Why do you think hospitals and other healthcare settings have the highest rate of workplace injuries and illnesses? There are sick patients and the doctors have to take care of the sick patients so the nurses and doctors may become sick or contract it from patients.
Why do you think there are more days missed due to injury than to job transfer? There's no need to transfer form job if you can take the time off and then come back to work.
Weather, terrain, pollution, animals
Venipuncture is a routine surgical puncture of a vein to withdraw blood for laboratory testing or for the administration of intravenous fluids or drugs. It is done as part of the observation for a wide range of medical conditions.
1. Types of information patients will be able to share with Bruce about their previous venipuncture experience are the complications caused by venipuncture. Examples are:
a. hematoma – most common
b. osteomyelitis
c. vein occlusion
d.. syncope.
e. hemoconcentration
f. petechiae
g. collapsed veins
Other serious complications include cellulitis, phlebitis, diaphoresis, and hypotension
2. If Bruce knows this information, he can better serve his patients by taking the necessary precautions.
For example, for patients who experienced Hematoma:
Bruce is aware not to push the needle too far into so as to prevent blood leaks causing a bruise to the patient again.
3. Yes, patients are a good source of information about their bodies and their reactions to past experiences.