<h2><em><u>don't</u></em><em><u> know</u></em><em><u> </u></em><em><u>the</u></em><em><u> answer</u></em>
<em><u> </u></em><em><u>of</u></em></h2>
One can´t agree with those opinions. They can be misleading.
Sparta was a militaristic state was ruled by two kings and a council of elders, and whose focus was to prepare its citizens for war. It was not a democracy. The Greek city-state that is usually referred to as the first democracy of history was Athens. During its times of splendor, a city council openly debated issues in Athens. Though only free citizens - slaves were excluded - could take part, it was a unique case of an open political system, because tyrannical rule by emperors or kings was the norm on those days.
Answer: women don't currently have equal protection under the United States Constitution. By some estimates, 80 percent of Americans mistakenly believe that women and men are guaranteed equal rights, but the only right the Constitution explicitly extends to both men and women is the right to vote.