Scientists have found that the hedgehog signaling pathway is active in embryos during the early development of the neural tube,
motor neuron specification, left-right symmetry, body plan, limbs, and retinas. In the 1950s, sheep feeding on the corn lily (Veratrum species) in mountain pastures gave birth to a number of lambs with only one eye. These one-eyed lambs were explained when the compound, now known as cyclopamine, was discovered in the corn lily. Explain how a failure to have cell division occur at a critical time during development could lead to lambs with one eye
It was demonstrated by researchers at John Hopkins Medical Institute that the neural explants that contain the SHH-signalling inhibition cells were failed to produce the further ventral cell types that are crucial for the normal development of the cell. Actually, the studies also show the interaction of Cyclopamine with SHH-Biogenesis and that will ultimately turn into a N-terminal molecule by interacting sterols in cell like cholesterol etc.