Because Pony was scared that they would split them up. He didn't want to be split up because they were family, and he didn't want to go to the home and lose his family.
In scene 3 it is revealed that they are truly evil. The witches prophesied that Macbeth will be the Thane of Cawdor and the King of Scotland. They prophesied Banquo's children will be kings of Scotland.
A, B, and D are written correctly.
Either you wrote a typo and meant to write 'incorrectly' - in which case the answer is C for the noncapitalized first word, OR you are playing around with us.
sorry i dont know about bad boy
Here's a completion of the passage in the question, and the likely answer:
(I believe you are asked to complete the passage, and find the missing words).
Fortunately, in that moment of “desperate extremity,” the Powhatans brought food and rescued the starving strangers. A year later, several hundred more settlers arrived, and again they quickly ran out of provisions. They were forced to eat “dogs, cats, rats, and mice,” even “CORPSES” dug from graves. “Some have licked up the blood which hathfallen from their weak fellows,” a survivor reported. “One member of our colony murdered his wife, ripped the child out of her womb and threw it into the river, and after chopped the mother in pieces and salted her for his food, the same not being discovered before he had eaten part thereof.” “So great was our famine,” John Smith stated, “that a savage we slew and buried, the poorer sort took him up again and ate him; and so did diverse one another boiled and stewed with roots and herbs.”