The IQR(interquartile range) is 12
Here is how you get the IQR, you subtract The upper Quartile(16) from the Lower Quartile(4) and then you would get the IQR(12)
1) No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory. I believe that I interpret the will of the Congress and of the people when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost, but will make it very certain that this form of treachery shall never again endanger us.
2) There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory, and our interests are in grave danger. With confidence in our armed forces, with the unbounding determination of our people, we will gain the inevitable triumph—so help us God.
c babe Ruth twice hit three home runs in a world series game
I believe it is C and i cant explain why sorry
Chiaroscurist means a painter who uses light and shade rather than color to add more of an illusion. (Whether this be 3D or realistic type of an illusion.)
You will learn this in an art class.