it could effect you because you could have one of the best times of your life!! but in all jokes aside most substances are unsafe to use and or addictive, however is you use non addictive safe drugs like lsd or weed you should be fine however i dont recommend it considering its illegal.
Cigarette smoke can contain high levels of carbon monoxide. Hydrogen cyanide was used to kill people in the gas chambers. It can be found in cigarette smoke. Nicotine is a poison used in pesticides and is the addictive element in cigarettes. Inhaling the harmful smoke it can inflame your lungs and airway, causing them to swell and block oxygen. This can lead to acute respiratory distress syndrome and respiratory failure. Smoke inhalation commonly happens when you get trapped in a contained area, such as a kitchen or home, near a fire.
they should consume 62-75 grams of saturated fat a day.
Both A and B
The goal of treatment is to get rid of all the cancer and keep it from coming back. If this is not possible, one might receive chemotherapy to delay or slow cancer growth. Delaying or slowing cancer growth with chemotherapy also helps manage symptoms caused by the cancer.
If taken within the first 24 hours after having sex, emergency contraception is 95% effective. Emergency contraceptive works by delaying ovulation.