According to psychoanalytic theory, the main function of the human personality in the personality structure is to allow the individual to balance the demands of society against personal needs.
The psychoanalytic theory divides the psyche into three functions: id - the unconscious source of primitive sexual, dependent, and aggressive motives; superego - unconsciously infects society, setting standards to be maintained; and ego - representing the sense of self and mediating between present realities Psychoanalytic theory divides the psyche into three functions: id - the unconscious source of primal sexual urges, addiction and aggression; superego - unconsciously infects society, setting standards to be maintained; and the ego - representing the sense of self and mediating between the realities of the moment
psychoanalytic theory embraces the idea that all human beings have infinite thoughts, memories, feelings, and desires. Such awareness and therapy should be used to access repressed mental feelings and experiences. Only then will the patient undergo a catalytic mind-healing process.
Learn more about psychoanalytic theory here:
Bullying and or degrading comments
bullying can be a main source of some peoples depression and\or anxiety
when people bully other people who can possibly already have depression it can add fuel to the fire and just make it worse causing it to stick around and worsen..
just my opinion. i know this dosent help the whole thing but its a start
Darwinism came up with the idea of natural selection.
The economy is a free-market, capitalist economy, similar to that of most Western countries.