The delivery of the paternal genome to the egg is a primary goal of fertilization. In preparation for this step, the nucleus of the developing spermatozoon undergoes extensive morphological and biochemical transformations during spermatogenesis to yield a tightly compacted sperm nucleus. These modifications are essentially reversed during fertilization. As a result, the incorporated sperm nucleus undergoes many steps in the egg cytoplasm as it develops into a male pronucleus. The sperm nucleus (1) loses its nuclear envelope, (2) undergoes nucleoprotein remodeling, (3) decondenses and increases in size, (4) becomes more spherical, (5) acquires a new nuclear envelope, and (6) becomes functionally competent to synthesize DNA and RNA. These changes are coordinate with meiotic processing of the maternal chromatin, and often result in behaviors asynchronous with the maternal chromatin. For example, in eggs fertilized during meiosis, the sperm nucleus decondenses while the maternal chromatin remains condensed. A model is presented that suggests some reasons why this puzzling behavior exists. Defects in any of the processes attending male pronuclear development often result in infertility. New assisted reproductive technologies have been developed that ensure delivery of the sperm nucleus to the egg cytoplasm so that a healthy embryo is produced. An emerging challenge is to further characterize the molecular mechanisms that control sperm nuclear transformations and link these to causes of human infertility. Further understanding of this basic process promises to revolutionize our understanding of the mystery of the beginning of new life.
The delivery of the paternal genome to the egg is a primary goal of fertilization. In preparation for this step, the nucleus of the developing spermatozoon undergoes extensive morphological and biochemical transformations during spermatogenesis to yield a tightly compacted sperm nucleus. These modifications are essentially reversed during fertilization. As a result, the incorporated sperm nucleus undergoes many steps in the egg cytoplasm as it develops into a male pronucleus.
Each axis needs a scale to show the range of the data on that axis. The low end of the scale may be zero or a round number value slightly smaller than the smallest data point. The high end of the scale is usually a round number value slightly larger than the largest data point. The scale is measured off in major and minor tick marks. Typically the scale runs from low to high in easily counted multiples like 10s, 50s, 100s, etc. When graphs are compared side-by-side, consider scaling them to the same data range to make comparisons easier.
answer is : b. the universe ♡
Acceleration is a little more complicated. It is defined as the rate of change of the object's velocity over its change in time. ... Or, if the acceleration is negative, it's called deceleration and describes something slowing down. For something to speed up or slow down, it has to have a certain change in velocity
Endocrine gland - a group of cells that secretes substances into the blood or directly into an organ.
Differ from exocrine glands, endocrine glands have no ducts and secrete products (hormones) directly into blood.
Hormone - a substance produced by cells that helps specific groups of cells to perform specific functions. It is a product of endocrine gland which functions as chemical messengers to stimulate other cells.
Duct – a channel or tube that conveys a substance. It is part of the exocrine glands (such as salivary glands) which makes contact with surface .