Villages needed to organize governments. is your best answer
Note that food surpluses means that there is extra food, which means that:
1) the population would increase, not decrease
2) there are more time to create tools, and possessions and other needed things can be kept longer
3) If you hunt and gather more, it would just result in more surpluses.
hope this helps
C, it made it okay to discriminate against african americans.
sry it just a joke
The war between the United States and the Confederate States began on April 12, 1861 at Fort Sumter, Charleston, South Carolina. The immediate cause was Constitutional principle: the U.S. government refused to recognize the southern states' right to secede from the Union, and the C.S.
C) they were angered by repeated violations of Spain regarding the freedom of the seas.
Negro Fort was a fort built by the British in 1814, during the War of 1812, on the Apalachicola River, in a remote part of Spanish Florida. It is part of the Prospect Bluff Historic Sites, in the Apalachicola National Forest, Franklin County, Florida.
The fort was called Negro Fort only after the British left in 1815, its later residents and staff were primarily blacks (free Negroes or fugitive slaves), together with some Choctaws. There were a significant number of maroons already in the area before the fort was built[citation needed] and beginning in 1804 there was for several years a store (trading post) there. The blacks, having worked on plantations, knew how to plant and care for crops, and also to care for domesticated animals, mostly cattle.