MPD also known as Multiple Personalities Disorder is a disorder where you have more than one personality. It causes forgetfulness and also can be cause by abuse or trauma.
There are many ways a company or advertiser is able to control who their target audience is. First they want something effective, like the Tootsie pop commercial, that ranges to everyone, the bright colors and characters were something to pull in the attention of a younger audience, children. But at the same time humor is used to catch everyone.
Depending on your audience, this can range from colors, sounds, characters, and so on. A main way for advertising a younger audience is of course color, and is usually TV advertised. Something for older audience like adults, and elders would be TV, radio, and even the papers, or even flyers in this case.
Other ways to advertise would be public speeches/demonstrations, events, online ads, social media, and so on
For short period it is OK but not for long run It will lead to various
deficiency .
Fruits and vegetables are best to eat but body needs grains,nuts,milk etc
which carbohydrate and protein need can be met.
Our diet should be combination of all nutrients.
Its good for weightloss body detox or intermittent fasting but not advisable
for every day.