One computer part is the CPU, it’s a piece of hardware the last allows your computer to access and interact all the applications and programs. The first ever CPU chip was invented around 4 decades ago. The keyboard is another computer part and it allows the user to type letters and numbers. There are about 104 keys on a keyboard and there are different parts in it. Some of the parts include, control keys, function keys, navigation keys, numeric keypad, and so on. A mouse is another device used with the keyboard to position the cursor. It’s a hand held device that detects two-dimensional motion relative to a surface. This motion is typically translated Into the motion of a pointer on a display, which allows a smooth control of the graphical user. Memory is a device to store all of your information and saved data. The motherboard is the backbone that tied together the computers components at one spot.
<span>Computer design replaced (B) models draw or created by hand. Technology nowadays has a big contribution in terms of planning and designing a building or a structure without burning your eyebrow facing that paper and handling your pen. Computer designs are used to make the design more accurate and more precise compared to traditional hand drawn designs.</span>