The type of shopping that is being identified above is
acquisitional shopping because this is where consumers have the intention of
visiting or going to the store to shop in a way that they would purchase
products and acquire for services. It could be seen above as the shopping is
characterized because of the consumers will of having to purchase a specific
The main body of law governing collective bargaining is the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). It is also referred to as the Wagner Act. It explicitly grants employees the right to collectively bargain and join trade unions. The NLRA was originally enacted by Congress in 1935 under its power to regulate interstate commerce under the Commerce Clause in Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution. It applies to most private non-agricultural employees and employers engaged in some aspect of interstate commerce. Decisions and regulations of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), which was established by the NLRA, greatly supplement and define the provisions of the act.
The NLRA establishes procedures for the selection of a labor organization to represent a unit of employees in collective bargaining. The act prohibits employers from interfering with this selection. The NLRA requires the employer to bargain with the appointed representative of its employees. It does not require either side to agree to a proposal or make concessions but does establish procedural guidelines on good faith bargaining. Proposals which would violate the NLRA or other laws may not be subject to collective bargaining. The NLRA also establishes regulations on what tactics (e.g. strikes, lock-outs, picketing) each side may employ to further their bargaining objectives.
State laws further regulate collective bargaining and make collective agreements enforceable under state law. They may also provide guidelines for those employers and employees not covered by the NLRA, such as agricultural laborers.
B. Wiring funds from one account to another
electronic banking can be defined as a process through which money is being transferred through electronic signal exchange rather than the traditional way of money exchange throug cheque or documents.
Electronic banking facilities that uses electronic equipment are;
- point of sale banking(POS)
- fund transfer service
- Mobile Banking,etc.
The total amount of past-due accounts receivable that were written off as uncollectible during the year were: $17,300
The amount of past-due accounts receivable that were written off as uncollectible during the year are calculated by following formula:
Past-due accounts receivable that were written off as uncollectible = The Allowance for Bad Debts account had a balance at the beginning of the year + Bad debts expense was recognized - The Allowance for Bad Debts account had a balance at the end of the year = $8,500 + $16,000 - $7,200 = $17,300
In this case the stranger should disregard the contract.
The key piece of information in this question is that the purchaser is only fifteen years old. In order to enter into a contract both parties must be 18 years old. Since the signer in this case is not 18 the contract is not valid.