Answer and Explanation:
Missionary Warner, even frightened by the situation and tempted to fight the bandit and take the gun from his hands, was gentle and as calm as possible. He spoke to the bandit cordially, trying not to show anxiety and fear. He was so friendly that he asked if the bandit would accept a cup of tea, which he had prepared himself.
the civil war
an episode of war is set during a civil war
Listening-56%, Speaking-23%, Reading-13%, Writing-8%.
According to the estimated percentage, an average person in the United States spends about 56 percent of their time listening, which is comparatively the highest than other communication activities. When it comes to speaking, 23 percent of a person's time is spent in interacting. Only 13 percent of time is used up for reading. Apart from this, the estimated percentage of writing is the lowest. Only 8 percent of time is spent by people when it comes to any kind of write up work.
C. the justice system skewed against African Americans.
Here's the poem:
That Justice is a blind goddess
Is a thing to which <u>we black are wise</u>:
Her bandage hides two festering sores
That once perhaps were eyes.
Notice how Hughes writes that "we black are wise." This implies that the justice he speaks of (which is referred to as a "her" throuhgout the poem) is "blind" when it comes to the struggles of African Americans.
Choice A is incorrect because the poem clearly implies that the justice system is biased against blacks.
Choice B is incorrect because the poem calls justice "blind," which implies that she is flawed.
Choice D is incorrect because there is no mention of "human rights" or not caring." Justice is described as being "blind" which does not imply either.