What does this have too do with English. Is it in a book but which one?
I would say definitely use your time wisely. Make sure you are fully focused too. Though it may be difficult to focus, (I understand) try and find some outside resources that can help you bring interest into what you're learning in any subject.
using traditional forms
Robert Frost was an American poet who often wrote about rural, everyday life, human identities and experiences, and simple household philosophy, frequently using colloquialisms.
<u>He was usually writing songs in the traditional form and classic meters</u>. He went for the usual rhythm <u>of the abab or abcb form</u><u>.</u> This particular type of stanza is called quatrain, is composed of four lines, and is regarded as the rather typical and traditional form of the poem.
Despite his usage of the classic forms, many people have commented that Frost managed to make these traditional forms unique, to avoid any cliches, and make his own rules in the sense.