Independent - Water/Type of water (salt and pure)
Dependent - Height of plant
Controlled - Amount of water
Independent is what the experimenter manipulates (in this case being the type of water.)
Dependent is what the experimenter measures and is a result of the independent (in this case being the height of plant)
Controlled is what you are trying to keep the same (in this case the amount of water you give each plant.)
A frog's lungs don't work that well, but since it's skin is so thin, oxygen and carbon dioxide can pass trough it.
The template DNA strand, from which the mRNA is synthesized, is 5' ... so the template strand and the mRNA will be complementary to each other) ... ATG Met (M) ... The following codons can be mutated by one base to produce an amber codon: ... which amino acid should be incorporated in the growing polypeptide chain.
B: Demand
If the demand increases the Nation's currency values also increases
The process which produces an exact copy of the parent organism is asexual.