The correct answer is by using the antagonist.
The antagonist is a molecule that blocks a biological response by binding to the receptor. So, you add antagonists to the receptors you want to determine and see which antagonist blocked the response. By blocking the specific response you can get the answer what receptor it was.
It would depend.
The weather might be different form mine. I can give you the four main types of clouds there are to help you identify them.
Cirrus clouds are wispy, feather like clouds. They are higher than the other types of clouds.
Stratus clouds are low level clouds that are light gray. They might cause fog.
Cumulus clouds are puffy, white clouds.
Cumulonimbus could are very tall clouds that produce T-Storms. They are a very dark gray.
There are other types of clouds, but these were the four I learned.
The answer is B mesoderm because the embrionery orgin of the kidney is in the mesoderm
Answet is D
species come under at a very low level of the classifieds