Absorption and secretion would be impossible within the digestive tract.
Epithelium is one of the tissues found in humans. It is classified as either simple or stratified depending on the number of cell layers. Simple epithelial tissues have one layer of cells while stratified have many layers of cells. Based on the shape, epithelial tissues can either be squamous, columnar or cuboidal.
Due to the single-layer of the simple epithelial tissues, they line the walls of secretory or absorptive organs e.g organs of digestive tract. The stratified epithelium is majorly for protective function due to the number of cell layers it possess and not a good type of epithelium for locations where absorption and secretion of substances is common e.g digestive tract.
Hence, if a genetic mutation causes a person's digestive tract to have stratified columnar epithelium instead of simple columnar epithelium, ABSORPTION AND SECRETION of chemical substances, which is a key feature of organs (stomach, intestine) that make up digestive tracts, will be impossible.
Elephants, who are important grazers, are instrumental in transforming woodlands into grasslands. This has a tremendous impact on other species that depend on the grass for their survival. The significance of the elephant in this example is B. keystone species.
The matrix (inside mito) has a negative charge compared to the intermembrane space (outside of mito but still inside) because positively charged protons are constantly pumped from the matrix to the intermembrane space. A cell oxidizes an organic molecule producing 3 NADH molecules and 3 FADH2 molecules..
The cells of living things also get energy by "burning." They "burn" glucose in the process called cellular respiration. Inside every cell of all living things, energy is needed to carry out life processes. Energy is required to break down and build up molecules and to transport many molecules across plasma membranes.
Just did this lesson on Edg 2020
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