More processed ingredients
if it's fat free, you have to have a supliment for it.
Answer= Because polar bears depend on ice as a habitat to survive the more the temperature is rising and the sea ice melting as a result of global warming there is basically a possibility that the population of polar bears will decline because there will be no home (habitat)left for them to breed(survive)in.
In the lysogenic cycle, the viral genome gets incorporated into the host genome and replicates with the host genome. In the lysogenic cycle, no proteins and enzymes of the virus are formed while in the lytic cycle protein of viral capsid form and new phages generate in the host cell.
So as the viral genome integrates into the host genome in the lysogenic cycle, therefore, it is difficult for any drug to differentially act on the viral genome. So there are great chances for drugs to target the host genome in the host cell.
But in virus that replicates through lytic cycle drugs can selectively act on viral enzyme and proteins. Therefore it is difficult to make a drug that affects lysogenic virus.
They all started to get digest.
Digestion starts in the mouth and all the way to the small intestine. And, there are many enzymes and digestive jucies which help to digest spefic nutriton amoung them.